Kensington Nanny Seal of Approval. This blue seal has the letter k in the center. Kensington is a local nanny agency in South Florida.

Tips & Ideas

Angela Sager

Essential Skills for Preschoolers Attending Top Schools

As parents prepare their children for entry into top schools, it’s essential to focus on developing a well-rounded set of skills. From early literacy and numeracy to social-emotional regulation and practical life abilities, these foundational competencies equip preschoolers to thrive academically, socially, and physically, ensuring they are ready to embrace the challenges of their educational journey.

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Enjoying Fireworks with Children
Victoria Marinelli

A Guide to Safely Enjoying Fireworks with Children

Fireworks are a dazzling display of lights and colors that captivate people of all ages, especially children. The excitement and awe they bring can create lasting memories for families. However, it’s crucial to prioritize safety when enjoying these spectacular shows with your little ones. In this blog, we’ll explore some essential tips to ensure that children can revel in the magic of fireworks while staying safe.

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Fathers Day
Victoria Marinelli

Fun Father’s Day Crafts: Creative Activities for Children and Their Nannies

Father’s Day is a special occasion to honor and celebrate the dads in our lives. While store-bought gifts are always appreciated, there’s something extra special about handmade crafts that come straight from the heart. If you’re a nanny looking to engage the children you care for in meaningful activities for Father’s Day, here are some delightful craft ideas to explore together:

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Nanny and Child's Safety Tips
Victoria Marinelli

Emergency Preparedness: Collaborating with Your Nanny for Your Child’s Safety

In today’s fast-paced world, emergencies can happen at any time, and being prepared is essential for the safety and well-being of your family, especially your children. While many families have emergency plans in place, it’s crucial to extend this preparedness to include those who play a vital role in your child’s daily life, such as your nanny. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of developing a comprehensive emergency plan with your nanny to ensure that your child is in safe hands during unforeseen circumstances.

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Nanny Educational Adventures for Your Child
Angela Sager

Nurturing Young Minds: Educational Adventures for Your Infant and Toddler with the Nanny

Embarking on the journey of early childhood education is an exciting endeavor, and parents of infants and toddlers often wonder how to infuse learning into their little one’s daily routine. This blog aims to guide parents in incorporating educational activities into the lives of their precious infants and two-year-olds, with the assistance of a nanny. Let’s explore simple yet effective ways to create a stimulating environment for your youngest family members.

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Victoria Marinelli

Nourishing Little Minds: Creative Meal Planning Tips for Nannies

As a nanny, your responsibilities often go beyond simply supervising children; you play a crucial role in their holistic development, including their nutritional needs. Mealtime offers a unique opportunity to nourish both their bodies and minds, and with a bit of creativity, you can make it an enriching experience for the children under your care. Here are some creative meal planning tips tailored for nannies to ensure wholesome and exciting meals for the children:

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Working with your nanny to promote a healthy lifestyle
Lisa Bloom

Health and Wellness: Collaboration with Your Nanny on Healthy Habits for Your Child

In the fast-paced world we live in, finding the right balance between work and family life can be a challenging task. When it comes to ensuring the well-being of our children, collaboration with our trusted caregivers, such as nannies, becomes crucial. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of working hand-in-hand with your nanny to promote a healthy lifestyle for your child, focusing on essential aspects like nutrition, exercise, and overall well-being.

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Lisa Bloom

Creating a Safe and Stimulating Environment for Your Child with a Nanny

Welcoming a nanny into your home to care for your child is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and planning. Establishing a safe and stimulating environment is crucial for your child’s well-being and development. In this blog, we’ll explore tips on how to collaborate with your nanny to ensure your child’s safety and create a nurturing environment.

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Summer Break Survival Guide
Victoria Marinelli

Summer Break Survival Guide: Navigating Childcare with a Nanny

The arrival of summer break often brings joy and excitement for children, but it can be a challenging time for parents who need to balance work responsibilities with ensuring their kids have a fun and enriching break. This is where a nanny can play a crucial role in making the summer break enjoyable for both parents and children. In this Summer Break Survival Guide, we’ll explore tips and strategies for managing childcare during the school break, with a focus on the valuable assistance a nanny can provide.

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