Kensington Nanny Seal of Approval. This blue seal has the letter k in the center. Kensington is a local nanny agency in South Florida.

Victoria Marinelli

Balancing Work and Personal Life. Get more family time with a nanny. In this article, we cover work life balance with a nanny.
Victoria Marinelli

Balancing Work and Personal Life with a Nanny: Insights on Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the delicate equilibrium between career and personal life can be challenging, especially for parents. Juggling the demands of a successful career with the responsibilities of parenthood often leads to stress and burnout. One solution that many working parents turn to is hiring a nanny. You may ask, “how do I get more family time with a nanny?” In this blog, we’ll explore the insights on maintaining a healthy work-life balance with a nanny to care for your children.

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Nanny Interview Tips & Suggestions cover photo. Depicts two women during an interview.
Victoria Marinelli

Hiring Guide: Interview Tips & Suggestions

We’ve previously discussed Nanny Job Duties and Responsibilities. In this article, we will cover what to look for and evaluate in the nanny interview, nanny interview tips, and sample questions to ask during the interview.

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