The Most Careful Screening
Because we are really, really picky.
Our Nannies are hand-selected by our team and among the top 10% of Nannies in South Florida.
Due to our stringent recruiting and nanny selection process, most candidates we work with have over eight years of experience, have related certifications or education, and recommendation letters from previous families.
The benefit of working with a local agency is we set the standard and meet all candidates before referring them to a family. You only meet candidates that have passed our selection and screening and have great experience caring for children.
The Kensington Standard for Nanny and Home Care
- Bespoke approach, tailored care specific to the needs of the family and children
- Professionalism and dependability, building a long-term and trusted employee experience
- Advanced skill-sets, allowing for confidence in their work
Candidates that have these qualities offer the best services. It’s our agency’s goal to recruit and refer top professionals to you. We follow the guidance of the US Nanny Association’s National Nanny Standards.
Our Vetting Includes:
Face-to-Face Interview
Our face-to-face, behavior-based interview is designed to ensure that the candidate is well suited for the job.
Assessment and Certification
- Infant/Adult CPR & First Aid – must obtain within 10 days of hire
- Early education and early development knowledge assessment
Detailed Background Check
- Level I National Criminal History Check
- County Court Records Inspection
- U.S. Work Authorization Verification (if applicable)
- Driving Report
- Social Security Verification
- National Aliases screening
- National Sexual Offenders/Predators screening
Reference Checks
References contribute valuable insights into an individual’s character, work ethic, and interpersonal skills. This verification ensures a comprehensive understanding of their work history, addressing any periods without records.
Ready to get started?
We make it easy to find your perfect nanny, housekeeper, or newborn care specialist with our flexible programs.