Kensington Nanny Seal of Approval. This blue seal has the letter k in the center. Kensington is a local nanny agency in South Florida.

May 29, 2024

Cultural awareness with my nanny. When hiring a nanny from a different country or cultural background.
Angela Sager

Cultivating Cultural Sensitivity in Nanny-Family Relationships

Cultivating Cultural Sensitivity in Nanny-Family Relationships In today’s interconnected world, families often find themselves embracing cultural diversity within their homes, especially when it comes to hiring nannies from different cultural backgrounds. Nurturing a harmonious relationship

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Angela Sager

Financial Considerations: Budgeting for a Nanny

Financial Considerations: Budgeting for a Nanny Hiring a nanny can be a game-changer for busy families, providing valuable support and care for children while parents manage their professional and personal responsibilities. However, the decision to

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